
Taiwan Escort Kaohsiung escorts Kaohsiung outcall massage www.baby799.com

My name is Ella and i can help you to find high-end girls in Taiwan for relaxing Sex services. You can contact me at:

WeChat : baby2371
Yahoo: baby7655
Email : baby7655@gmail.com
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[2015/1/24 15:53:49] guests: hi
[2015/1/24 15:54:19]  Ella: where are u ?
[2015/1/24 15:54:20] guests: wow it isgreat releif to find somebody speak English in Kaosiung
[2015/1/24 15:54:29] guests: Kaohsiung
[2015/1/24 15:56:34]  Ella:  Kaohsiung Charges:
Girl time : 40 minutes (one shot per thetime)
Services range bath, BJ, sexfull service
Girl price:3000NT ~ 15000NT per 40 minutes Need to pay fare 200+400
[2015/1/24 15:56:45]  Ella: 3K-5K
Housewife,Waiter, massage girl, countergirl,etc...(age 24-30+)
white collar,student,nurse,hotchick,secretary,Beautician,etc...(age 19-25)
Air stewardess,Basketball baby,schoolbeauty
Korean girl,s nightclub babes,showgirl,model etc...
[2015/1/24 15:56:50]  Ella: how much you want?
[2015/1/24 15:57:43] guests: 5-6K is ok forme
[2015/1/24 15:58:05]  Ella: ok
[2015/1/24 15:58:13]  Ella: what time u need?
[2015/1/24 15:58:45] guests: today ispossible?
[2015/1/24 15:58:56]  Ella: ok
[2015/1/24 15:58:59] guests: I want thingirl
[2015/1/24 15:59:15] guests: and can shespeak English?
[2015/1/24 15:59:30]  Ella: ok
[2015/1/24 15:59:34]  Ella: now you ok?
[2015/1/24 15:59:42] guests: 5 PM
[2015/1/24 15:59:48]  Ella: ok
[2015/1/24 15:59:51]  Ella: which hotel you are?
[2015/1/24 16:00:14] guests: I have car andI want go aone on Motel in Mingcheng  RD
[2015/1/24 16:00:39]  Ella: ok
[2015/1/24 16:00:48] guests: I stay in 85Sky tower but don't want to take girl with me in that hotel
[2015/1/24 16:01:08] guests: for businessreason I want this be totally confidential
[2015/1/24 16:01:31]  Ella: ok
[2015/1/24 16:01:40]  Ella: open another hotel
[2015/1/24 16:01:53] guests: Motel is ok?
[2015/1/24 16:01:57]  Ella: ok
[2015/1/24 16:02:08]  Ella: when you got a room , tellme
[2015/1/24 16:02:38]  Ella: can 7pm -6pm is beerer
[2015/1/24 16:02:42]  Ella: OK
[2015/1/24 16:02:54] guests: 6 Pm is better
[2015/1/24 16:02:57]  Ella: ok
[2015/1/24 16:03:15] guests: do I need takegirl with me or she will apear ther by herself
[2015/1/24 16:06:48] guests: since the timeI arrive in Motel how ling does it take for girl to be there?
[2015/1/24 16:17:01] guests: can you tellme girl height, weight, size?
[2015/1/24 16:56:36]  Ella: yes
[2015/1/24 16:57:07]  Ella: need20-30minutes
[2015/1/24 16:57:37]  Ella: 163 cm 49kg 23old
[2015/1/24 16:58:05] guests: Perfect howmuch totally I need pay her?
[2015/1/24 17:02:06]  Ella: 6000nt
[2015/1/24 17:04:03] guests: Ok I will tellyou the motel name and room no in 30 min that will be in mingcheng road, I willinform the entrance that I have visitor
[2015/1/24 17:04:44]  Ella: OKbut 6.30pm is better
[2015/1/24 17:05:43] guests: Ok I will gothere later about 6:30
[2015/1/24 17:05:55]  Ella: OK
[2015/1/24 18:08:23] guests: Hi I got inmotel
[2015/1/24 18:09:01] guests: Here is motelphone no 07 XXXXXX
[2015/1/24 18:09:21]  Ella: OK
[2015/1/24 18:09:27] guests: My room 113
[2015/1/24 18:09:48]  Ella: OK wait my girl
[2015/1/24 18:10:16] guests: Ok I alreadyinform the entrance
[2015/1/24 18:19:05]  Ella: OK
[2015/1/24 18:22:23] guests: Once shearrive here tell me to open parking door for her
[2015/1/24 18:30:24] guests: She got hereand I pay her
[2015/1/24 18:41:57]  Ella: OK
[2015/1/24 18:42:13]  Ella: Hope you have fun
[2015/1/24 18:51:33] guests: Thank you Sheleft, good for the first time. Thank you.
[2015/1/24 19:15:17]  Ella: you are welcome

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2015.10.27 星期二
12:36 999 Is Carrie or Lynette available at 2:00?
12:36 999 Hello?
12:41 Ella在線服務 hi
12:44 Ella在線服務 she no time@@
13:18 999 Hi any ladies today?
13:18 999 Lunch break?
13:19 Ella在線服務 yes
13:19 Ella在線服務 how much you want?
13:20 999 I need young girl 36dd. 6K.
13:20 Ella在線服務 ok
13:20 999 2:00 ok?
13:23 Ella在線服務 ok
13:23 Ella在線服務 same hotel ?
13:25 999 Yes.
13:26 Ella在線服務 ok
13:40 999 #605
13:49 999 Don't need lady today.
13:51 999 Forget last message.
14:08 Ella在線服務 why?
14:08 Ella在線服務 she is arrive
14:08 999 I want her.
14:08 Ella在線服務 ok
2015.11.12 星期四
08:05 999 你好。我希望有一个胖子,年轻的女学生。罩杯的大小,在今天凌晨2点36DD。
08:10 999 圖片
10:45 Ella在線服務 好的
10:45 Ella在線服務 ok
10:46 Ella在線服務 hotel room?
11:46 999 #XXX
11:46 999 Can come at 1:00?
11:51 Ella在線服務 ok
11:52 Ella在線服務 your budget is ?
11:53 999 6-8k
11:53 Ella在線服務 ok
12:14 999 多少钱的今天。我去ATM
12:14 Ella在線服務 8000
12:15 999 Ok
12:24 999 Rm. #XXX
12:27 Ella在線服務 ok
12:31 999 Xie xie
12:34 Ella在線服務 Hi
12:34 Ella在線服務 my girl is arrive
12:35 Ella在線服務 pls call desk Miss Chen come to your room
2016.02.15 星期一
11:28 999 I want tiny, young girl student. 6-8k for 16:00 today.
11:32 Ella在線服務 ok
11:32 Ella在線服務 Hotel name and room number to tell me
11:32 Ella在線服務 I send you a cute student girl to you
11:33 Ella在線服務 She is 8k
11:33 Ella在線服務 you ok try
11:33 Ella在線服務 you can try
11:34 999 Sounds awesome.
11:34 999 I send hotel in one minutem
11:36 Ella在線服務 ok
11:38 999 圖片
11:38 Ella在線服務 OK
13:04 Ella在線服務 房號多少 我沒看到
13:07 Ella在線服務 ?
13:14 999 #XXX.
13:14 Ella在線服務 OK
15:28 999 Sorry. Rm XXX
15:28 Ella在線服務 OK
17:01 999 Great girl! Xie xie
17:01 Ella在線服務 welcome
My name is Ella and i can help you to find high-end girls in Taiwan for relaxing Sex services. You can contact me at:

WeChat : baby2371
Yahoo: baby7655
Email : baby7655@gmail.com
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