
Taiwan Escort Kaohsiung escorts Kaohsiung outcall massage www.baby799.com

My name is Ella and i can help you to find high-end girls in Taiwan for relaxing Sex services. You can contact me at:

WeChat : baby2371
Yahoo: baby7655
Email : baby7655@gmail.com
More girls in here: 
[2015/1/24 15:53:49] guests: hi
[2015/1/24 15:54:19]  Ella: where are u ?
[2015/1/24 15:54:20] guests: wow it isgreat releif to find somebody speak English in Kaosiung
[2015/1/24 15:54:29] guests: Kaohsiung
[2015/1/24 15:56:34]  Ella:  Kaohsiung Charges:
Girl time : 40 minutes (one shot per thetime)
Services range bath, BJ, sexfull service
Girl price:3000NT ~ 15000NT per 40 minutes Need to pay fare 200+400
[2015/1/24 15:56:45]  Ella: 3K-5K
Housewife,Waiter, massage girl, countergirl,etc...(age 24-30+)
white collar,student,nurse,hotchick,secretary,Beautician,etc...(age 19-25)
Air stewardess,Basketball baby,schoolbeauty
Korean girl,s nightclub babes,showgirl,model etc...
[2015/1/24 15:56:50]  Ella: how much you want?
[2015/1/24 15:57:43] guests: 5-6K is ok forme
[2015/1/24 15:58:05]  Ella: ok
[2015/1/24 15:58:13]  Ella: what time u need?
[2015/1/24 15:58:45] guests: today ispossible?
[2015/1/24 15:58:56]  Ella: ok
[2015/1/24 15:58:59] guests: I want thingirl
[2015/1/24 15:59:15] guests: and can shespeak English?
[2015/1/24 15:59:30]  Ella: ok
[2015/1/24 15:59:34]  Ella: now you ok?
[2015/1/24 15:59:42] guests: 5 PM
[2015/1/24 15:59:48]  Ella: ok
[2015/1/24 15:59:51]  Ella: which hotel you are?
[2015/1/24 16:00:14] guests: I have car andI want go aone on Motel in Mingcheng  RD
[2015/1/24 16:00:39]  Ella: ok
[2015/1/24 16:00:48] guests: I stay in 85Sky tower but don't want to take girl with me in that hotel
[2015/1/24 16:01:08] guests: for businessreason I want this be totally confidential
[2015/1/24 16:01:31]  Ella: ok
[2015/1/24 16:01:40]  Ella: open another hotel
[2015/1/24 16:01:53] guests: Motel is ok?
[2015/1/24 16:01:57]  Ella: ok
[2015/1/24 16:02:08]  Ella: when you got a room , tellme
[2015/1/24 16:02:38]  Ella: can 7pm -6pm is beerer
[2015/1/24 16:02:42]  Ella: OK
[2015/1/24 16:02:54] guests: 6 Pm is better
[2015/1/24 16:02:57]  Ella: ok
[2015/1/24 16:03:15] guests: do I need takegirl with me or she will apear ther by herself
[2015/1/24 16:06:48] guests: since the timeI arrive in Motel how ling does it take for girl to be there?
[2015/1/24 16:17:01] guests: can you tellme girl height, weight, size?
[2015/1/24 16:56:36]  Ella: yes
[2015/1/24 16:57:07]  Ella: need20-30minutes
[2015/1/24 16:57:37]  Ella: 163 cm 49kg 23old
[2015/1/24 16:58:05] guests: Perfect howmuch totally I need pay her?
[2015/1/24 17:02:06]  Ella: 6000nt
[2015/1/24 17:04:03] guests: Ok I will tellyou the motel name and room no in 30 min that will be in mingcheng road, I willinform the entrance that I have visitor
[2015/1/24 17:04:44]  Ella: OKbut 6.30pm is better
[2015/1/24 17:05:43] guests: Ok I will gothere later about 6:30
[2015/1/24 17:05:55]  Ella: OK
[2015/1/24 18:08:23] guests: Hi I got inmotel
[2015/1/24 18:09:01] guests: Here is motelphone no 07 XXXXXX
[2015/1/24 18:09:21]  Ella: OK
[2015/1/24 18:09:27] guests: My room 113
[2015/1/24 18:09:48]  Ella: OK wait my girl
[2015/1/24 18:10:16] guests: Ok I alreadyinform the entrance
[2015/1/24 18:19:05]  Ella: OK
[2015/1/24 18:22:23] guests: Once shearrive here tell me to open parking door for her
[2015/1/24 18:30:24] guests: She got hereand I pay her
[2015/1/24 18:41:57]  Ella: OK
[2015/1/24 18:42:13]  Ella: Hope you have fun
[2015/1/24 18:51:33] guests: Thank you Sheleft, good for the first time. Thank you.
[2015/1/24 19:15:17]  Ella: you are welcome

Taichung escorts girl Taichung outcall massage happy ending full service

2015.10.27 星期二
12:36 999 Is Carrie or Lynette available at 2:00?
12:36 999 Hello?
12:41 Ella在線服務 hi
12:44 Ella在線服務 she no time@@
13:18 999 Hi any ladies today?
13:18 999 Lunch break?
13:19 Ella在線服務 yes
13:19 Ella在線服務 how much you want?
13:20 999 I need young girl 36dd. 6K.
13:20 Ella在線服務 ok
13:20 999 2:00 ok?
13:23 Ella在線服務 ok
13:23 Ella在線服務 same hotel ?
13:25 999 Yes.
13:26 Ella在線服務 ok
13:40 999 #605
13:49 999 Don't need lady today.
13:51 999 Forget last message.
14:08 Ella在線服務 why?
14:08 Ella在線服務 she is arrive
14:08 999 I want her.
14:08 Ella在線服務 ok
2015.11.12 星期四
08:05 999 你好。我希望有一个胖子,年轻的女学生。罩杯的大小,在今天凌晨2点36DD。
08:10 999 圖片
10:45 Ella在線服務 好的
10:45 Ella在線服務 ok
10:46 Ella在線服務 hotel room?
11:46 999 #XXX
11:46 999 Can come at 1:00?
11:51 Ella在線服務 ok
11:52 Ella在線服務 your budget is ?
11:53 999 6-8k
11:53 Ella在線服務 ok
12:14 999 多少钱的今天。我去ATM
12:14 Ella在線服務 8000
12:15 999 Ok
12:24 999 Rm. #XXX
12:27 Ella在線服務 ok
12:31 999 Xie xie
12:34 Ella在線服務 Hi
12:34 Ella在線服務 my girl is arrive
12:35 Ella在線服務 pls call desk Miss Chen come to your room
2016.02.15 星期一
11:28 999 I want tiny, young girl student. 6-8k for 16:00 today.
11:32 Ella在線服務 ok
11:32 Ella在線服務 Hotel name and room number to tell me
11:32 Ella在線服務 I send you a cute student girl to you
11:33 Ella在線服務 She is 8k
11:33 Ella在線服務 you ok try
11:33 Ella在線服務 you can try
11:34 999 Sounds awesome.
11:34 999 I send hotel in one minutem
11:36 Ella在線服務 ok
11:38 999 圖片
11:38 Ella在線服務 OK
13:04 Ella在線服務 房號多少 我沒看到
13:07 Ella在線服務 ?
13:14 999 #XXX.
13:14 Ella在線服務 OK
15:28 999 Sorry. Rm XXX
15:28 Ella在線服務 OK
17:01 999 Great girl! Xie xie
17:01 Ella在線服務 welcome
My name is Ella and i can help you to find high-end girls in Taiwan for relaxing Sex services. You can contact me at:

WeChat : baby2371
Yahoo: baby7655
Email : baby7655@gmail.com
More girls in here: 


Taiwan Escort Hsinchu escorts Hsinchu outcall massage line:baby7655 www.baby799.com

Ty Ella for the arrangement....
First time using her service arranged through Skype...
Service 10/10
Looks 8/10
Fj 9/10
Abit of hiccup during arrangement cause of the wifi but end up worth while. Will RTF when I came to taipei again...
Will nt talk what happen in the process as everyone bound to have different experience
Damage : 8000NT

​Hi, gentleman of man, are you lonesome tonight tired? Choose me a cheerful girl, tonight I will give you an unforgettable memory, a surprise for you but I have a sexy and charming figure, I can and you have a good command of English communication, tell me what you want, I can meet your need, give me a message,  let's enjoy the wonderful time ​
My name is Ella and ican help you to find high-end girls in Taiwan for relaxing Sex services. Youcan contact me at:

WeChat : baby2371
Yahoo: baby7655
Email : baby7655@gmail.com
More girls in here: http://www.baby799.com/forum.php


Taipei escorts wechat girl Taipei outcall massage line girl www.baby799.com

My name is Ella and ican help you to find high-end girls in Taiwan for relaxing Sex services. Youcan contact me at:

WeChat : baby2371
Yahoo: baby7655
Email : baby7655@gmail.com
More girls in here: http://www.baby799.com/forum.php
19:48 Ella在線服務 hi
23:45 客人 Hi Ella. Long time no speak.
23:47 Ella在線服務 hi
23:48 客人 Hi 
23:49 Ella在線服務 where are welcome
23:49 Ella在線服務 where are you?
23:50 客人 We spoke before on Yahoo Messenger.  Tom. I know it's really late now so please tell me you can't arrange it but I am looking for an appointment this evening.  But it has to be one of your best girls at the budget level.
23:50 客人 Otherwise next time is ok
23:51 Ella在線服務 now is OK
23:51 客人 But I am very picky so don't say yes!
23:51 Ella在線服務 ok
23:51 Ella在線服務 no like no pay
23:52 客人 Ok but I need the service good. She has to have some experience.
23:53 Ella在線服務 ok
23:53 Ella在線服務 where are you now?
23:53 客人 Very slim, boobs, young, good body
23:53 客人 XXXXX
23:53 客人 Hotel
23:54 客人 ☎ 未接來電
23:54 Ella在線服務 ok
23:55 Ella在線服務 How much is your budget?
23:55 客人 But her service needs to be very good also. 8k as normal.
23:55 Ella在線服務 ok
23:55 Ella在線服務 your room number is?
23:56 客人 But if it is too late then we can do it next time
23:56 客人 XXXX
23:57 Ella在線服務 no late
23:57 Ella在線服務 Your last name registration is?
23:57 Ella在線服務 http://www.XXXXX/ this hotel?
23:57 客人 But can you find a good girl?  I don't want an average or poor girl
23:57 客人 Yes
23:57 客人 XXXXX
23:58 Ella在線服務 you are china?
23:59 客人 I am Hong Kong Chinese 
23:59 Ella在線服務 ok
23:59 Ella在線服務 wait my girl
23:59 Ella在線服務 need 25-35 minutes
00:00 Ella在線服務 tell desk have visitor
00:00 Ella在線服務 miss chen
00:00 Ella在線服務 let her up your room
00:00 客人 Ok but does she have v good skill? I don't want someone very new
00:00 客人 Ok
00:01 Ella在線服務 ok
01:07 客人 YangXue is very good. Thanks for arranging
01:10 Ella在線服務 ok
01:10 Ella在線服務 you are welcome


Taiwan Escort Kaohsiung escorts Kaohsiung outcall massage www.baby799.com

judy is 22years old, she have a gorgeous and fresh appearance, cute face as baby, small waist & cute body covered by beautiful smooth skin.

she very sexy as well as good-looking, sweet and innocent appearance. she is extremely friendly and genuine girl who oozes sex appeal, have fantastic sense of humor and possesses an easy- going charm. she have confident and open minded, ONLY available to discerning gentlemen who enjoy spending quality time with a sensual, beautiful- educated lady, a very youthful, fresh look with an exotic flair.

Service: massage,full service ,girl friend experience offered

Price 10000nt 1hr

Girl time : 45~55 minutes (one shot per the time)
Services range: bath, BJ, sex(full service)
My name is Ella and ican help you to find high-end girls in Taiwan for relaxing Sex services. Youcan contact me at:

WeChat : baby2371
Yahoo: baby7655
Email : baby7655@gmail.com
More girls in here: http://www.baby799.com/forum.php

Taichung escorts girl ♥ Taichung outcall massage ♥happy ending full service massage

Address: Taipei, Taipei, New Taipei City
Time: 1pm to 3am or so can make reservations in advance!
Height: 163 cm
Weight: 46 kg
Cup: C
Nationality: Taiwan
Language: Mandarin, Hokkien, English

Service: 9000 NT
Description : Unknown with rosy skin, pure and sweet face, dimple lean figure and flexible tongue to let your whole body grow numb
My name is Ella and i can help you to find high-end girls in Taiwan for relaxing Sex services. You can contact me at:
WeChat : baby2371
Yahoo: baby7655
Email : baby7655@gmail.com
More girls in here: http://www.baby799.com/forum.php


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Hi gentlemen! My name is CAO MEI. I am a charming&pretty Asian beauty.

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I will make you feel extremely comfortable, and I know how to please a man. If you are a gentleman who enjoys being treated like a king.
My name is Ella and ican help you to find high-end girls in Taiwan for relaxing Sex services. Youcan contact me at:

WeChat : baby2371
Yahoo: baby7655
Email : baby7655@gmail.com
More girls in here: http://www.baby799.com/forum.php


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This is the best perfect massage & girlfriend experience that you never had ,
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I will fulfill all your desires in the
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Words can't describe how good it will feel.
My name is Ella and ican help you to find high-end girls in Taiwan for relaxing Sex services. Youcan contact me at:

WeChat : baby2371
Yahoo: baby7655
Email : baby7655@gmail.com
More girls in here: http://www.baby799.com/forum.php


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Hello, gentlemen! Thank you for visiting my ad!
My name is Gina, aged 20, a friendly, elegant and honest massage girl in Taipei. I have a sweet smile, smooth skin and clean body. Please look carefully ----- This is my real photo!!!
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My name is Ella and i can help you to find high-end girls in Taiwan for relaxing Sex services. You can contact me at:

WeChat : baby2371
Yahoo: baby7655
Email : baby7655@gmail.com
More girls in here: 


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Crazy sex tour(5K girl 8K girl 10k girl )
陳Ella <baby7655@gmail.com>
6月16日 (8 天前)

寄給 Charlie
ok welcome
2015-06-16 0:24 GMT+08:00 xxxx <chxxxxx@gmail.com>:
sure, model 10k ok. skinny please. after 1:30 am. thank you

On Tue, Jun 16, 2015 at 12:23 AM, 陳Ella <baby7655@gmail.com> wrote:
anal no have @@
so you ok?

2015-06-16 0:22 GMT+08:00 Cxxxxx <cxxxxxx@gmail.com>:
ahhh, is anal ok?

On Tue, Jun 16, 2015 at 12:21 AM, 陳Ella <baby7655@gmail.com> wrote:
The use of condoms OK?
model  10k
you ok?

2015-06-16 0:19 GMT+08:00 xxxxx <xxxxt@gmail.com>:
flat chested student or model ok

On Tue, Jun 16, 2015 at 12:17 AM, xxxxx<cxxxxx@gmail.com> wrote:
Last girl delicious. Another skinny girl around 1:30am. Cum inside?

On Mon, Jun 15, 2015 at 9:15 PM, 陳Ella <baby7655@gmail.com> wrote:

2015-06-15 21:11 GMT+08:00 xxxxxx<xxxxx@gmail.com>:
Yes! After 11pm. Skinny please. Thank you!

On Mon, Jun 15, 2015 at 9:09 PM, 陳Ella <baby7655@gmail.com> wrote:
you ok?

2015-06-15 20:59 GMT+08:00 xxxxxx <cxxxxx@gmail.com>:
Only skinny please. How much?

On Mon, Jun 15, 2015 at 8:59 PM, xxxxx <xxxxx@gmail.com> wrote:
Nice! Can you send a skinny student around 11pm to xx Hotel Room xx?

On Mon, Jun 15, 2015 at 7:42 PM, 陳Ella <baby7655@gmail.com> wrote:
you in your room? now>?

2015-06-15 18:30 GMT+08:00 陳Ella <baby7655@gmail.com>:

2015-06-15 18:15 GMT+08:00 xxxxx<xxxxx@gmail.com>:
Sorry! xxx Hotel Room xx~!!

On Mon, Jun 15, 2015 at 4:52 PM, xxxxx <xxxxxx@gmail.com> wrote:
OK! Thank you!

On Mon, Jun 15, 2015 at 4:50 PM, 陳Ella <baby7655@gmail.com> wrote:
my girl go to your hotel on 7.30pm
you wait my girl in your room
if you like you pay 5000nt
no like no pay
can change other girl

2015-06-15 16:17 GMT+08:00 xxxxx<xxxxx@gmail.com>:
maybe. If the first girl is good! But just 1 for now

On Mon, Jun 15, 2015 at 4:16 PM, 陳Ella <baby7655@gmail.com> wrote:
might order another girl later?

2015-06-15 16:14 GMT+08:00 xxxxxxx<xxxxxx@gmail.com>:
xxx. xxx. flat girl with hairy vagina is great.
Any time after 7pm.
I might order another girl later.
Thank you

On Mon, Jun 15, 2015 at 4:07 PM, 陳Ella <baby7655@gmail.com> wrote:
your room number and last name is ?

2015-06-15 15:39 GMT+08:00 Charlie Rocket <charlierocket@gmail.com>:
xhotel Taipei. After 7pm. OK?

On Mon, Jun 15, 2015 at 3:14 PM, x<x@gmail.com> wrote:
4k - 5k flat chest. 中出?

On Mon, Jun 15, 2015 at 3:11 PM, 陳Ella <baby7655@gmail.com> wrote:
Taipei Charges:
Girl time : 45~55 minutes (one shot per the time)
Services range: bath, BJ, sex(full service)
Girl price: 4000NT ~ 25000NT per hour (depending on what type of girl)
Accept cash only /outgoing motel or hotel / guarantee safe

Housewife,Waiter,massage girl, counter girl,etc…(age 25-30+)
whitecollar,student,nurse,hot chick,secretary,Beautician, etc…(age 19-27)
Airstewardess,Basketball baby,school beauty
Korean girl,snightclub babes,show girl,model etc… (age 18-25)
Car exhibitionmodel,Ad star,compere,Website popular girl
High quality coverpage girl,TV show girl,Taiwan actress,etc…

what girl you want?

2015-06-15 14:59 GMT+08:00 xxxx <xxt@gmail.com>:
Want flat chest and hairy pussy. xxxxHotel Taipei after 7pm. Please mail me

Taipei Rules Taipei escorts girl Taipei outcall massage girl

2015.09.14 星期一
17:24 one Hello
17:27 Ella在線服務 Hi
17:29 one Last time I had reserve 8k but not to my satisfaction. If 9k better quality?
17:31 Ella在線服務 yes
17:31 Ella在線服務 what time you need?
17:32 one 10pm okay?
17:32 Ella在線服務 OK
17:32 Ella在線服務 which hotel you are and room number ?
17:33 one Somebody young like 20s. Not too tall. Around 165. Available?
17:38 Ella在線服務 yes
17:38 Ella在線服務 ok
17:39 one Okay. Hope better than last time. Thanks
17:39 one I'm inXXX  1XXX
17:39 Ella在線服務 ok
17:41 one I have dinner tonight. If go late, I just let you know?
17:41 Ella在線服務 ok
17:41 one Latest 10:30 but should be 10
17:41 Ella在線服務 ok
17:41 one Give front desk name William Wu
17:42 Ella在線服務 ok
17:42 one Need anything else?
17:42 Ella在線服務 tell front desk miss chen come up your room
17:42 one Any first name?
17:43 Ella在線服務 Miss Chen
17:44 one Ok
18:26 one Oh by the way. Please make sure girl is skinny. Thanks.
18:27 Ella在線服務 ok
21:36 Ella在線服務 hi
21:36 Ella在線服務 you now in your room?
21:37 Ella在線服務 ☎ 通話時間 : 00:01
21:37 one Yes
21:37 Ella在線服務 tell the desk have miss chen coming
21:38 one Ok
21:39 one Done
2015.09.16 星期三
03:17 one U have girl for 9am?
09:55 one Hi
11:41 one Hi, are u there?
12:14 Ella在線服務 yes
12:14 Ella在線服務 it is early
12:14 Ella在線服務 my girl is 1pm free
12:28 one How about 2:45?
12:38 one 2:45pm
12:38 one But can quality be better, last time was just okay
13:12 Ella在線服務 ok
13:13 Ella在線服務 same hotel ?
13:14 one Yes same
13:16 Ella在線服務 ok
13:16 Ella在線服務 room?
13:16 one XXX
13:17 Ella在線服務 好
13:22 one Same price?
13:22 Ella在線服務 10K isbetter
13:22 one Guarantee better?
13:23 Ella在線服務 yes
13:23 one Ok 10k
13:24 Ella在線服務 ok
14:14 one If your girl is free she can come now
2015.09.24 星期四
01:44 Ella在線服務 hi
01:44 Ella在線服務 do you have fun ?
01:44 one Yes thank you. 


Taipei Rules Taipei escorts girl Taipei outcall massage girl

02:39 客人 Hi, I would like to have a girl come over.
02:41 Ella在線服務 where  are you?
02:42 客人 I am at XXXX hotel
02:43 Ella在線服務 Taipei Charges:
Girl time : 45~55 minutes (one shot per the time)
Services range: bath, BJ, sex(full service)
Girl price: 4000NT ~ 25000NT per hour (depending on what type of girl)
02:43 Ella在線服務 4K-5K:
Housewife,Waiter,massage girl, counter girl,etc…(age 25-30+)
whitecollar,student,nurse,hot chick,secretary,Beautician, etc…(age 19-27)
Airstewardess,Basketball baby,school beauty
Korean girl,snightclub babes,show girl,model etc… (age 18-25)
Car exhibitionmodel,Ad star,compere,Website popular girl
High quality coverpage girl,TV show girl,Taiwan actress,etc…
02:43 Ella在線服務 what girl you want?
02:44 客人 I want a student...
02:44 Ella在線服務 ok How much of your budget you are?
02:45 客人 I have 7k
02:45 Ella在線服務 ok
02:45 Ella在線服務 your room number is ?
02:45 客人 XXXX
02:46 Ella在線服務 ok
02:46 Ella在線服務 What is your last name is registered?
02:46 客人 XXXX
02:46 Ella在線服務 you are white?
02:46 客人 Yes
02:46 Ella在線服務 ok
02:47 Ella在線服務 you like you pay 7K no like no pay
02:47 Ella在線服務 and tell me
02:47 客人 Ok
02:47 Ella在線服務 can change is free
02:47 客人 Ok
02:47 Ella在線服務 tell desk have visitor  miss chen
02:47 客人 Alright
02:47 Ella在線服務 let her go to your room
02:47 Ella在線服務 my girl go  to your hotel need 25-35 minutes
02:47 Ella在線服務 wait her is OK?
02:48 客人 Its ok
03:38 客人 Ms Chen was amazing! But...she could have spoken a little English...I would recomebd her though!
10:02 Ella在線服務 ok
16:13 Ella在線服務 hi do you have fun?
16:13 客人 Yeah...she was cute and fun.
16:14 Ella在線服務 ok thanks


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Hey guys, Is it right? Time and a special girl spent a memorable date?
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My session is full of sexy, sound, positive overall, my hand move slowly, however powerful, in your body. Although my massage is effective, but the treatment wasn't immediately felt, but step by step. More balance between your body and mind consciousness will be implemented in our special massage.
A popular addition to any night, my generous with our time and energy, reliable,
I am interesting sweet and lovely, I like to have friends can make me happy, respect and humility. I love the people as one of my close friends.
I provide a service, GFE, ,,, French kiss, * * * *, the task at hand, I can make you crazy, crazy for you. Make you hot, hot
My name is Ella and i can help you to find high-end girls in Taiwan for relaxing Sex services. You can contact me at:

WeChat : baby2371
Yahoo: baby7655
Email : baby7655@gmail.com
More girls in here: 


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Dear Friends,
My name is Ella and i can help you to find high-end girls in Taiwan for relaxing Sex services. You can contact me at:
WeChat : baby2371
Yahoo: baby7655
Email :  baby7655@gmail.com
More girls in here: http://www.baby799.com/forum.php
(pics are not REAL for security and privacy reason, but are similarly indicative)
Accept cash only / outgoing motel or hotel / guarantee safe
Type of girls:
Housewife,massage girl,counter girl,Ad star,Korean girl, white collar,student,nurse,hot chick,secretary,s nightclub babes, Air stewardess, model,Basketball baby,school beauty,  auto show model,internet model girl, high quality cover-page girl,TV show girl and so forth
Girl Age :18-32
Girl Language: Mandarin, English
 Girl Services : bath, oral, sex
 Service areas: of Taipei * Hsinchu * Taichung * Kaohsiung * Taoyuan * Tainan * Chungli
 Opening Hours: 10 am to 3 am in the morning
Important: when you contact me, please specify your requirement in terms of :
  1. your price range (Price=quality)
  2. girl's age, height, body figure (like what CUP)
  3. other special request if any
We do not provide any picture in advance and if you are happy with girl's appearance at first sight (no action taken), please send her away at no cost. I will happy to re-send a girl till your  satisfaction. But be sure you have specified your requirement.
thank you.


Taiwan Escort Taichung escorts Taichung outcall massage www.baby799.com

2016.01.28 星期四
00:53 Ella在線服務 hi
10:42 good Hello, sorry i fell asleep yesterday ill contact you maybe tonight or tomorrow
10:53 Ella在線服務 ok
22:31 good Hello i would like to try your service
22:32 Ella在線服務 where are you ?
22:32 good 圖片
22:33 Ella在線服務 Taipei Charges:
Girl time : 45~55 minutes (one shot per the time)
Services range: bath, BJ, sex(full service)
Girl price: 4000NT ~ 25000NT per hour (depending on what type of girl)
Accept cash only /outgoing motel or hotel / guarantee safe

Housewife,Waiter,massage girl, counter girl,etc…(age 25-30+)
whitecollar,student,nurse,hot chick,secretary,Beautician, etc…(age 19-27)
Airstewardess,Basketball baby,school beauty
Korean girl,snightclub babes,show girl,model etc… (age 18-25)
Car exhibitionmodel,Ad star,compere,Website popular girl
High quality coverpage girl,TV show girl,Taiwan actress,etc…
22:33 Ella在線服務 what girl you want ?
22:33 good I like cute and small girl maybe 150~160cm
22:33 Ella在線服務 ok
22:33 Ella在線服務 your budget is ?
22:33 good Budget is 6000
22:34 Ella在線服務 what time  you need a girl ?
22:34 Ella在線服務 now ?
22:34 good If possible
22:34 good Now is ok
22:35 Ella在線服務 ok
22:35 Ella在線服務 your room number is ?
22:35 good xxxx
22:35 Ella在線服務 you last name is ?
22:35 good XXX
22:36 Ella在線服務 ok
22:37 Ella在線服務 i send a girl for you  158cm Ccup 44kg 23 old 6000
22:37 Ella在線服務 if you like you pay
22:37 Ella在線服務 no like no pay
22:37 Ella在線服務 can change other girl is free
22:37 good Ok sounds great
22:37 Ella在線服務 tell the desk have miss chen coming
22:37 Ella在線服務 ok ?
22:37 good Oh no need no keycard
22:38 good For elevator
22:38 Ella在線服務 ok
22:38 good How long i wait?
22:38 Ella在線服務 Are you white?
22:39 good Im korean
22:39 Ella在線服務 ok
22:42 good So everything ok?
22:42 Ella在線服務 Services range: bath, BJ, sex(full service)
22:42 good I mean ok with you? She come?
22:43 Ella在線服務 yes she on the way
22:43 good Thank you
22:44 Ella在線服務 welcome
23:14 good Sorry i asked for change
23:14 Ella在線服務 ok、
23:14 Ella在線服務 send her lave
23:15 good Yes she left
23:15 good Sorry not pretty..
23:17 Ella在線服務 ok
23:22 good Do i wait again or no more?
23:26 Ella在線服務 15-20minute
23:27 good Ok thank you
23:50 good Ok sorry i had her leave again, i think ill try again next time with higher budget
23:50 good Maybe what I expect you dont have at my budget
23:51 good Very sorry
23:51 Ella在線服務 today have 10K model
23:51 Ella在線服務 if u like you pay 9000
23:51 Ella在線服務 is ok
23:51 Ella在線服務 ?
23:52 good Sorry today no budget T T
23:53 Ella在線服務 8000 ? student?
23:54 good 7000 ok for student?
23:54 Ella在線服務 ok
23:54 good Ok thank you sorry my budget very limited
23:55 Ella在線服務 is ok
2016.01.29 星期五
00:55 good Thank you so much, she was everything I expected. Now i know how much budget I should prepare.
Can i know her name for next time? She told me but i don't know how to spell. Chang zin?
00:55 Ella在線服務 xiao lin
00:56 Ella在線服務 her name
00:56 good Thank you  i will try your service again next time im in taiwan. Goodnight.
00:57 Ella在線服務 ok
00:57 Ella在線服務 goodnight

Taiwan Escort Taipei escorts Taipei outcall massage www.baby799.com

2016.02.03 星期三
23:51 gg Hi
23:51 gg I saw your add on Internet
23:52 Ella在線服務 ok
23:52 Ella在線服務 where are you now ?
23:52 gg In Taipei XXX  hotel
23:52 gg I called another agency
23:52 Ella在線服務 your budget is ?
23:52 gg They send me a girl that was really not what I expected
23:52 gg 4000
23:52 Ella在線服務 i know so you find me
23:53 Ella在線服務 what girl you want ?
23:53 gg Yes
23:53 gg I like large breast
23:53 gg But thin girl ^^
23:54 Ella在線服務 ok
23:54 Ella在線服務 your room number is ?
23:54 gg What is service ?
23:54 gg XXX
23:54 gg And how long for 4000?
23:54 Ella在線服務 45minute
23:54 gg Ok
23:54 Ella在線服務 your last name is ?
23:54 gg I saw on your website
23:55 Ella在線服務 so ?
23:55 gg If I don't like the girl you can find another one ?
23:55 gg XXX
23:55 Ella在線服務 yes
23:55 gg Ok
23:55 Ella在線服務 but 5K girl well better
23:55 gg What is service ?
23:55 Ella在線服務 or 6K girl have pic
23:55 gg I'd like to see pic if possible
23:56 gg And know service ?(full service?)
23:56 Ella在線服務 (one shot per the time)
Services range: bath, BJ, sex(full service)
23:56 Ella在線服務 6000 is ok ?
23:57 gg 5000
23:57 gg Where can I see picture ?
23:57 Ella在線服務 6000
23:57 Ella在線服務 5K no pic
23:57 gg Ok no then I had bad experience with no pic sorry
23:58 Ella在線服務 i know
23:58 gg 貼圖
23:58 Ella在線服務 but you know Price decided to quality ?
23:58 Ella在線服務 6000 well better
23:59 gg Ok 6000 with pic
23:59 Ella在線服務 圖片
23:59 Ella在線服務 圖片
23:59 Ella在線服務 who one you want ?
23:59 gg Which one bigger Breast?
2016.02.04 星期四
00:00 Ella在線服務 first
00:00 gg Ok first then
00:00 Ella在線服務 ok
00:00 gg When can you be here ?
00:00 Ella在線服務 tell the desk have miss chen coming
00:00 Ella在線服務 30 minute
00:01 gg Ok
00:03 gg Please bring condom
00:03 Ella在線服務 ok
00:05 Ella在線服務 you now at the room ?
00:11 gg I was smoking outside
00:11 gg I'm in the room now
00:11 Ella在線服務 ok
00:13 gg I hope no bad joke this time !
00:13 Ella在線服務 i know
00:13 Ella在線服務 i too
00:55 gg Very good service
00:55 gg Thanks a lot
00:59 Ella在線服務 welcome


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My name is Ella and i can help you to find high-end girls in Taiwan for relaxing Sex services. You can contact me at:

WeChat : baby2371
Yahoo: baby7655
Email :  baby7655@gmail.com
More girls in here: http://www.baby799.com/forum.php


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Hi Guys,My name is susan .I am a 20 year old TAIWAN girl ,I am a gorgeous woman with a very exotic look. I cater to affluent,refine gentleman who appreciate good taste. My best features are my,eyes, legs, and beautiful. I am special,talented orally and i love to do it,What more could you want? This is the best perfect massage & girlfriend experience that you never had , maybe in your life.., As an independent massage provider, I Visiting you ( out calls only please ) at your private home/residence or hotel, My ultimate goal is to sensualist your mind, entice your body, elevate your spirit. I will fulfill all your desires in the most pleasurable way. I will completely relax you with passionate, sensual caressing, massaging, and special touching over every part of your body, Words can't describe how good it will feel.  
My name is Ella and ican help you to find high-end girls in Taiwan for relaxing Sex services. Youcan contact me at:

WeChat : baby2371
Yahoo: baby7655
Email : baby7655@gmail.com
More girls in here: http://www.baby799.com/forum.php

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My name is Ella and ican help you to find high-end girls in Taiwan for relaxing Sex services. Youcan contact me at:

WeChat : baby2371
Yahoo: baby7655
Email : baby7655@gmail.com
More girls in here: http://www.baby799.com/forum.php